We believe that the only things we should take from the pristine locations we visit are pictures. We use solar power as much as possible and of course we prefer to sail any instead of motor whenever the wind is right. We catch rain water to drink. We do not have air conditioning, the gentle breeze that flows through the boat's 28 opening ports, hatches and doors, at the mooring is all you need. We ask our guests to adhere to our environmentally responsible practices. We believe we didn’t inherit the world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children.
Humanitarian and Aid Work
Segue and her crew have participated in several humanitarian initiatives including providing emergency medical aid and relief supplies to the devastated islands of Tonga following Cyclone "Ian" January 2014. We were proud to partner with Sea Mercy and following the relief efforts, remained in the Island Nation of Tonga in the rarely visited Ha´pai Group were we brought local and international healthcare teams to some of the most remote villages in the South Pacific. We continue to remain active with Sea Mercy and will work with them to expand their aid programs into the furthest reaches of the South Pacific during the "off" season.

Ecology and the Environment
One of the most unique aspects of Palau is the commitment, from the President through all levels of government to preserving this globally unique Paradise. Palau was the FIRST country in the world to establish it's waters as a shark sanctuary.
More recently, in early 2015, Palau's President, Mr Remengesau told a UN oceans conference Palau's 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone will be a "100 percent marine sanctuary", and commercial operations will be banned within the Pacific nation's territorial waters.
"We have no choice - the ocean is our way of life," he said.
"It's our livelihood, it's our culture, it's our economy - I always say the economy is our environment and the environment is our economy."
The tiny Pacific island nation of Palau is fighting back against growing numbers of illegal fishermen who plunder its waters. It has destroyed a fleet of impounded Vietnamese fishing boats, and sent their crews home. As Al Jazeera's Nick Clark reports, Palau wants to send a strong message to potential poachers.